Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Apple Rings

Thank you to my friend Shelley for sharing this one on FBook. Apple season/picking is almost here! Try something new and different with all those leftover apples! The kids will like to help with this one too!

1 cup flour
4 large apples
2 tblsp sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 large egg, beaten
1 cup buttermilk
vegetable oil (for frying)
2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup sugar 

In a large bowl, mix baking powder, flour, salt, sugar together with the 1/8 tsp of cinnamon. Set the mixture aside. Get a smaller bowl and mix together the beaten egg and buttermilk. Take yet another bowl and use it to make the cinnamon sugar topping by mixing up the 3/4 cup of sugar with the2 tsp of cinnamon. Set this mixture aside as well. Slice up the apples. Make sure you make a quarter inch thick slices. To make precise slices, use biscuit cutters in graduated sizes top form rings out of every slice. Throw away the center circles that hold the apple core. Heat up the oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Make sure it reaches 350°F. Combine the contents of the 1st and 2nd dishes as the oil warms up. This will form the batter. You can now dip the apple rings in and out of the batter, piece by piece. Scrap off any excess dipping by tapping the rings against the side of the bowl. Start frying the rings in small batches, turn them to make sure that they brown on either side. Once the rings become golden and crispy, transfer them on a plate that you have lined with paper towel. Leave them there for half a minute. Transfer them individually into the cinnamon sugar mixture and coat them evenly. Transfer them to a wire rack and you can serve them when they are still warm.

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